The North FaceFor more than 50 years, The North Face has made activewear and outdoor sports gear that exceeds your expectations. |  OspreyBest-fitting, finest-quality, eco-friendly backpacks and gear for hiking, biking, commuting and travel over mountain, trail and road |  TimBuk2Born and bred on the backs of San Francisco bike messengers, Timbuk2 builds tough-as-Hell backpacks, messengers, travel bags, and accessories |
 CarharttCarhartt has been providing the highest quality workwear, outdoor apparel, and gear. |  ThuleFollowing our passions unites us all with one shared goal – travel. That’s why Thule has developed luggage to cater to the needs of every traveler. Whether you’re packing up for a short business trip or an extended vacation, we have the perfect bags to ease the journey. |  DelseyDELSEY, creator of suitcases and emblematic luggage for 70 years! Suitcase, backpack, carry-on luggage, travelbag, duffle bag, briefcase |